Men’s Health: A Look at Common Orthopedic Issues in Men

Men’s Health: A Look at Common Orthopedic Issues in Men

June is Men’s Health Month and an opportunity to focus on common orthopedic issues in active men. The active lifestyle many men enjoy can sometimes lead to orthopedic problems as they age. You may often hear comments from men linking their knee pain to an old sports injury or their back pain to a wild story from their younger years. Unfortunately, with age, common orthopedic conditions in men can affect the bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments. Many men experience pain and limited mobility. However, with proper care from qualified orthopedic specialists at OrthoOIC in Arlington, VA, men can continue living and enjoying an active life. 

Understanding Orthopedic Conditions in Men vs. Women

While orthopedic conditions are often associated with males and females as we age, some injuries are more common for men to experience. For example, women are more vulnerable to sprains, torn ligaments, like ACL tears or meniscus tears, and osteoarthritis. Muscle development and breakdown due to hormone fluctuations for men and women are generally the reason for the different orthopedic injury types. Orthopedic injuries present differently, depending on the type, location, and severity of the injury. Some common symptoms of orthopedic injuries include swelling, bruising, weakness, or instability.

Common Orthopedic Issues in Men

  • Back Pain: Back pain is a common complaint for men. Men’s participation in high-impact physical activity is a common cause of back pain through aging. Back pain is often associated with strained or sprained muscles from sudden movements or overextension to underused muscles. Common causes of back pain in aging men are poor posture and improper lifting. 
  • Tendonitis or Tears: Men tend to suffer more soft-tissue trauma and tears in muscles and tendons than women. This overuse injury causes inflammation of the tendon that connects muscles to bones. Tendonitis is often caused by repetitive motions and overuse of a specific muscle or muscle group. Torn tendons, such as rotator cuff tears, can happen from sudden impact. However, tendon tears may occur when tendonitis remains untreated.
  • Hand and Finger Fractures: Due to osteoporosis, fractures in general are more common in women. However, hand and finger fractures are far more common orthopedic issues in men. These can occur due to falls, common sports injuries, or sudden force trauma. 

Steps to Improve Orthopedic Health for Men

Maintaining good musculoskeletal health is essential for an active and fulfilling life. Here are some tips to keep your bones, joints, and muscles healthy:

  • Exercise Regularly: Engage in regular physical activity that strengthens muscles and promotes bone health. Core exercises and focusing on proper posture are especially important to help avoid back pain in men. 
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Excess weight stresses your joints, increasing your risk of injury and osteoarthritis.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Consume a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients to support bone health.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to pain and discomfort. Understand that aging does cause wear and tear to muscles, joints, and ligaments. Not all pain is associated with an old injury or youthful experience. Do not ignore pain if it worsens or persists. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further complications.

See A Specialist for Men’s Orthopedic Injuries at OrthoOIC

If you experience persistent pain that interferes with daily activities or sleep, limited mobility, or difficulty moving a specific joint, a visit to an orthopedic urgent care center can help assess and diagnose your injury. If you suspect an orthopedic injury, seeking professional help is crucial. Visit OrthoOIC for comprehensive orthopedic care in Arlington, VA.